1. Parents pack your JUST SAY NO t-shirt. The marketing is brilliant. The girls went trick or treating through EVERY store.
2. Story hour by the big tree in the lobby is wonderful. Keep in mind it is usually the children who wear their jammies to it, NOT the adults.
3. Sleep is important. You never know what might happen so bring some type of pill to knock you out and ear plugs in case the people you are staying with want to listen to a marching band as you fall asleep. If all of this goes wrong and you awaken exhausted then remember level 2 has a Starbucks.
4. Ask if the people you are staying with have any allergies. If you don't the fragrance in your product might accidentally put one of them in anaphylactic shock. It's all good. Analisa's mom gave Analisa's grandma her shot that stops the LETHAL allergic reaction.
5. When on the tour and they say "The Great Wolf Lodge is green. What does green mean?" Don't be like the cute little boy and say "Rich cuz everything is so expensive here."
7. It is wise to have more adults than children for this adventure. We had a three adult to two girl ratio which worked well. (I am available if you need an extra adult.)
8. Regarding grooming, if you shave your legs before entering the wave pool the amount you shaved off will grow back three fold due to the temp of the water.
9. When in the wave pool do not talk smack to the OU fan unless you are OK with being dunked.(The wound is still too fresh.)
10. No matter how cat like you think your reflexes do not attempt to jump from one tube to the next mid wave. It really hurts.
11. All pedicures will become distressed in the lazy river especially if you are doing resistance training and walking against the flow. The Life Guards frown upon those participating in flow fitness and even blow their whistle and point at them.
12. There is a special place in hell for the children on the bridge who see an exhausted mommy floating peacefully down the lazy river and throw a pail of freezing ice water on her.(Give me a couple of days and I feel certain I will be able to forgive them.)
13. When standing in line for the attractions do not start talking about your recent diet. No one, especially me, wants to talk diet while they are dripping wet in their swimsuit. I realize I should of just been gracious and said well you know Jesus thinks you look great and loves you just the way you are but truthfully I could not get past the JUST SHOOT ME NOW!!! statement looping in my head.
14. Great companies have servant leaders: I was making an origami wolf and ended up clicking with THE EVENT PLANNER for Great Wolf Lodge. She was also the origami instructor for Kid's Club. I am hoping we can do some chocolate fountain business in the future!
15. Speedos are never a good idea.
16. Teen girl's swimsuits are teeny tiny. I was so grateful when KB said "Mom did you see that? They are trying to be sexy and think they are "all that." Oh they will get attention from boys but not the good boys." I told her she was right and that I thought she was very wise for noticing that. Her reply was "Mom don't you and dad talk? He taught me this." (GO BRAD!!)
17. I like having warm towels provided for me.
18. Signs like this trigger something deep within me. I have come a long way since living in Nelson my freshman year.