Couples, families for that matter have their own inside jokes that are uniquely funny to them. Last weekend I was out of town and returned home to discover a dinosaur in my make-up drawer. I smiled because for the last eleven years a dinosaur has shown up out of no where when I least expect it. It has been on the coffee mugs, by the dog food, in the shower, in the fridge, on the stack of books I am reading and so on. Equally funny is that fact that this dinosaur has never been spoken of. It simple floats from destination to destination with an understood I LOVE YOU attached. And so with each placement the game continues. Ridiculous probably, but precious in ways I can only explain as the unique ambiance of my marriage, absolutely.
I was reminded a few days ago of how quickly things can change and the one you LOVE can become the one you LOVED. This video prompted my post. If you are like me it will make you want to take a minute and say thank you to the ones you love for simply doing that thing they do.