Can I ask you a question? If I have heard that phrase once in my marriage I have heard it a thousand times. It has always cracked me up that Brad asks if he can ask a question rather than just firing away. Last night was no exception. He called me onto the patio to enjoy the beautiful night and he asked, "Can I ask you a question?" I replied with "Just one?" He grinned and said,"Why do I think I can make a difference in the world?" This question could easily come from the heart of any of us so I decided to share my response.
You believe you can make a difference in the world because God told you that you could. When you were in your mother's womb God was with you. He was there for nine months. His spirit connected to you without distraction. It was as if the two of you were one. He was speaking your mission into you and wiring you for it at the same time. When God speaks....He creates.....a thought uttered by Him becomes a reality. So God spoke "minister to fatherless boys" into you and by speaking this into you also gave you the gifts and passion to fulfill it.
This nine month love fest left a piece of heaven in you so for the rest of your days on earth you will yearn for this same intimacy with God. When you were in the womb you were not concerned about working to get God's approval. You floated around in your mom's belly and grew in wisdom and stature. Immediately upon birth the assault on your mission began. Satan knows if he can get you to abort your mission before your character supports it chances are you will never meet your divinely implanted destiny. You were taught how to think and act to please others and win their approval. You had lies spoken over you. And then there is see-saw of sin and religion. It can sure mess things up too.
The good news is that at any minute the mission can be pursued. Part of losing your addiction is walking toward your mission. And the rest is listening to the one who created you and allowing Him to speak into you again. When God speaks....He creates.....a thought uttered by Him becomes a reality.
As a life coach I have observed that people commonly ask a question they already know the answer to. This is the case with Brad. He knows he can make a difference in the world he simply wants permission to do it. With that in mind I would tell you that YES, you can make a difference so GO FOR IT!!!
You believe you can make a difference in the world because God told you that you could. When you were in your mother's womb God was with you. He was there for nine months. His spirit connected to you without distraction. It was as if the two of you were one. He was speaking your mission into you and wiring you for it at the same time. When God speaks....He creates.....a thought uttered by Him becomes a reality. So God spoke "minister to fatherless boys" into you and by speaking this into you also gave you the gifts and passion to fulfill it.
This nine month love fest left a piece of heaven in you so for the rest of your days on earth you will yearn for this same intimacy with God. When you were in the womb you were not concerned about working to get God's approval. You floated around in your mom's belly and grew in wisdom and stature. Immediately upon birth the assault on your mission began. Satan knows if he can get you to abort your mission before your character supports it chances are you will never meet your divinely implanted destiny. You were taught how to think and act to please others and win their approval. You had lies spoken over you. And then there is see-saw of sin and religion. It can sure mess things up too.
Can you imagine how different the world would look if each of us walked in our divine mission?Churches are filled to the brim with walking wounded. Their mission has faded into the background of their productive lives. They are good people who do their best but the mission they were created for is left undone.....and so are they. It is not uncommon for these same members to have fallen into addiction. Between the feeling that there must be more to life than this and the wounds they carry distraction is needed. And so they fill themselves with accomplishments, food, sports, drugs, porn, exercise, the Internet, parenting and travel.
The good news is that at any minute the mission can be pursued. Part of losing your addiction is walking toward your mission. And the rest is listening to the one who created you and allowing Him to speak into you again. When God speaks....He creates.....a thought uttered by Him becomes a reality.
As a life coach I have observed that people commonly ask a question they already know the answer to. This is the case with Brad. He knows he can make a difference in the world he simply wants permission to do it. With that in mind I would tell you that YES, you can make a difference so GO FOR IT!!!