When Brad and I got engaged we asked a small group of close friends to pray for several weeks about our engagement and seek God's blessing on it. We both agreed we did not want to enter into marriage without HIS blessing. I realize this sounds a bit strange to some. I think it is best explained by our total trust in God. We had both seen God work powerfully in our lives and honestly trusted His ways over our own thinking. And sure that is code for "we had each MESSED our lives up trying to do things OUR way" before we met. When the day of blessing came there were precious words to confirm our union, scriptures given to anchor our marriage, and prayers to seal these words onto our hearts. I continue to go back to my journal entry where these words and scriptures are recorded for strength on the days I know we, as a couple, are facing challenges. The next few days fall into that category. Tomorrow we will bury Brad's mom in Tennessee. I know it will be difficult but I a...
We write to taste life twice, in the moment, and in retrospection." (Anaïs Nin)