I have 2 phrases that I find very useful in a multitude of circumstances. The first phrase is said with an inquisitive tone. "Why do you ask?' My daughter who was five at the time starting asking this last fall . I find this insight baffling. Somehow she had discovered that the reason one has for asking the question may influence the way you need to answer the question. I have added this phrase to my responses which has resulted in my being better equipped to answer my friends' , clients' and family's questions.
The second phrase is "We'll see." I use it all the time because it commits me to nothing while leaving the person on the other end of the conversation content. I then have time to think about what I want to do and revisit the item. This phrase was obtained while under the influence of the Batten family.
The second phrase is "We'll see." I use it all the time because it commits me to nothing while leaving the person on the other end of the conversation content. I then have time to think about what I want to do and revisit the item. This phrase was obtained while under the influence of the Batten family.