In my minister’s recent e-mail he mentions his tremendous relief when his wife found an organic pizza. Seems they have gone totally organic. So I probably won't be inviting them over for dinner any time soon.
What exactly is organic? The National Organic Standards Board Definition of "Organic" The following definition of "organic" was passed by the NOSB at its April 1995 meeting in Orlando, FL."Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people."
That last sentence in the definition intrigues me. “Optimize health of interdependent communities…” I guess my going organic is about more than just me.
We as a family are by no means fully organic. We do get all our meat, fruits and veggies at our neighborhoods version of Whole Foods. It is all organic. My father-in-law grows a garden each year which provides many wonderful jars of canned juices, fruits, veggies, and sauces that are all organic. Truth is my taste gets in the way of this whole organic thing. I have yet to find an organic version of Doritos that meets our family’s standard. And dare I ask the culinary geniuses at Taco Bueno if they use organic materials?
Truth be told there are just some things I am not willing to sacrifice on my quest to be organic. I can hardly imagine a scenario that would make me willing to give up all the non-organic things of my life. I know, I know, I am simply selfish and stubborn. You are correct. I have acquired a taste for junk (Ben & Jerry’s) and find it difficult to protect my health despite the consequences I know my body will incur. On a regular basis I have made the decision to indulge and then compensate through exercise and portion control. While this decision seems balanced I have found that my cravings are stronger which means my workouts are longer.
Don’t know about you but I just have these cravings and it is very rarely for organic cucumber in an organic version of Ranch. I wish the only area I struggled with selfish cravings was in going organic. On a regular basis I ignore my conscience and eat junk food for my spirit. I have watched shows where I am secretly pulling for the couple that is having an affair. I act like exercise (bible study or church) and portion control (this show doesn’t have that many cuss words) keep me from increasing my cravings. I am most convicted when my daughter walks in and I ask her to leave the room. She will ask why and I say this is not good food for your mind. Of course she turns right around and asks then why are you watching it mommy? Good question I respond.
Why do I watch these shows? After much wrestling and prayerful consideration the answer is I like them. Sometimes it is a bit rebellious. I watch because I can. Sometimes it is peer pressure. I want to talk to my friends about the “brand” TV show we have all viewed. Or other times a part of me is stimulated by the scenarios or entertained by the wit of a racy show. And sometimes I just need to escape to a hilarious show that has off-color humor. You see I have developed quite a diverse palette now that I am all grown up and oh so mature.
I cannot tell you how much brand food or brand TV is too much for your balanced life but I can tell you the standard we have been called to as Christians is purity.
I was already being convicted of my entertainment viewing when I visited a church with my sister. The minister mentioned the number one show in the nation that weekend was Sex and the City. I thought oh great I liked that movie. Why does he have to bring that up in church? He mentioned that men have been messing up the purity thing for years but now it has hit an all time high with women. On FOX news he learned the exact number of partners each character had sex with over the series. IT WAS A LOT. I wondered who the fact checker was for that story. I digress. Then he mentioned how many tweens watch the TV version and have learned the road to true love has multiple sex partners. It is simply part of the journey.
I was trying to figure out how I had gotten to this unguarded place spiritually and reconcile how I was still able to minister powerfully to others. About this time the minister closed by saying purity is something to strive for. It can be accomplished through the work of the Spirit and a decision of obedience. I felt myself relax. I can do this with the help of the Spirit. He can help me grow in goodness and self-control. And I am pretty sure that He was the reason I could minister to others even in my compromised state.
That last sentence in the definition above still intrigues me. “Optimize health of interdependent communities…” I guess my being pure is about more than just me
What exactly is organic? The National Organic Standards Board Definition of "Organic" The following definition of "organic" was passed by the NOSB at its April 1995 meeting in Orlando, FL."Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people."
That last sentence in the definition intrigues me. “Optimize health of interdependent communities…” I guess my going organic is about more than just me.
We as a family are by no means fully organic. We do get all our meat, fruits and veggies at our neighborhoods version of Whole Foods. It is all organic. My father-in-law grows a garden each year which provides many wonderful jars of canned juices, fruits, veggies, and sauces that are all organic. Truth is my taste gets in the way of this whole organic thing. I have yet to find an organic version of Doritos that meets our family’s standard. And dare I ask the culinary geniuses at Taco Bueno if they use organic materials?
Truth be told there are just some things I am not willing to sacrifice on my quest to be organic. I can hardly imagine a scenario that would make me willing to give up all the non-organic things of my life. I know, I know, I am simply selfish and stubborn. You are correct. I have acquired a taste for junk (Ben & Jerry’s) and find it difficult to protect my health despite the consequences I know my body will incur. On a regular basis I have made the decision to indulge and then compensate through exercise and portion control. While this decision seems balanced I have found that my cravings are stronger which means my workouts are longer.
Don’t know about you but I just have these cravings and it is very rarely for organic cucumber in an organic version of Ranch. I wish the only area I struggled with selfish cravings was in going organic. On a regular basis I ignore my conscience and eat junk food for my spirit. I have watched shows where I am secretly pulling for the couple that is having an affair. I act like exercise (bible study or church) and portion control (this show doesn’t have that many cuss words) keep me from increasing my cravings. I am most convicted when my daughter walks in and I ask her to leave the room. She will ask why and I say this is not good food for your mind. Of course she turns right around and asks then why are you watching it mommy? Good question I respond.
Why do I watch these shows? After much wrestling and prayerful consideration the answer is I like them. Sometimes it is a bit rebellious. I watch because I can. Sometimes it is peer pressure. I want to talk to my friends about the “brand” TV show we have all viewed. Or other times a part of me is stimulated by the scenarios or entertained by the wit of a racy show. And sometimes I just need to escape to a hilarious show that has off-color humor. You see I have developed quite a diverse palette now that I am all grown up and oh so mature.
I cannot tell you how much brand food or brand TV is too much for your balanced life but I can tell you the standard we have been called to as Christians is purity.
I was already being convicted of my entertainment viewing when I visited a church with my sister. The minister mentioned the number one show in the nation that weekend was Sex and the City. I thought oh great I liked that movie. Why does he have to bring that up in church? He mentioned that men have been messing up the purity thing for years but now it has hit an all time high with women. On FOX news he learned the exact number of partners each character had sex with over the series. IT WAS A LOT. I wondered who the fact checker was for that story. I digress. Then he mentioned how many tweens watch the TV version and have learned the road to true love has multiple sex partners. It is simply part of the journey.
I was trying to figure out how I had gotten to this unguarded place spiritually and reconcile how I was still able to minister powerfully to others. About this time the minister closed by saying purity is something to strive for. It can be accomplished through the work of the Spirit and a decision of obedience. I felt myself relax. I can do this with the help of the Spirit. He can help me grow in goodness and self-control. And I am pretty sure that He was the reason I could minister to others even in my compromised state.
That last sentence in the definition above still intrigues me. “Optimize health of interdependent communities…” I guess my being pure is about more than just me