In my minister’s recent e-mail he mentions his tremendous relief when his wife found an organic pizza. Seems they have gone totally organic. So I probably won't be inviting them over for dinner any time soon. What exactly is organic? The National Organic Standards Board Definition of "Organic" The following definition of "organic" was passed by the NOSB at its April 1995 meeting in Orlando, FL."Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural prod...
We write to taste life twice, in the moment, and in retrospection." (Anaïs Nin)