Wednesday the Christian author Robert Elmer visited Fort Worth Christian. He taught the students that God gives us experiences so we can tell our stories. He stated what a huge difference it would make if every christian wrote about their story so others could learn what Jesus actually does in our lives. I thought about what he said and felt prompted to share my story. Please feel free to send any complaints to him. As I see it when something does not make sense, well, you have to object to it, right? I know I regularly walk around with objections in my head. For example I heard a great sermon last Sunday. I nodded in agreement as the minister spoke of the assurance Christians have and how we should not live under crushing fear because we know God will take care of us even in this economy. Two days later I learned that Brad needs Obama to approve money for the Air Force to have the funding needed for the F-22s they want to buy from Lockheed. Simply stated no money from Obama means Brad...
We write to taste life twice, in the moment, and in retrospection." (Anaïs Nin)